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Hempoil Capsules

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VEGAN Hemp-Vital Capsules contain the naturally pure cold pressed oil of the food hemp seed. It supplements our daily nutrition with unsaturated essential fatty acids like linolic acid, alpha-linolenic acid and gamma- linolenic acid as well as tocopherols (Vitamin E). These protect cells from aggressive free radicals, support production of new cells, hormones and lipides, thus increasing efficiency, especially while suffering from stress.
ingredients: cold pressed hemp oil from controlled organic cultivation, Beta-Carotin, Vitamin E from natural source, covering: gelatine (certified), glycerine, water


hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571
hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571

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