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Food Hemp Flour - Vegan

 Prices only for registered sellers EURO
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/VEGAN Flour from the food hemp seed is perfectly suitable for baking and cooking, as it pleasantly enhances foods with its nutty flavour. It also acts as valuable provider of protein and minerals. In food preparations, replace 10-15% of conventional flour with hemp flour and proceed as usual. Also a tasty and healthy alternative for binding soups and sauces.

/VEGAN Flour from the food hemp seed is perfectly suitable for baking and cooking, as it pleasantly enhances foods with its nutty flavour. It also acts as valuable provider of protein and minerals. In food preparations, replace 10-15% of conventional flour with hemp flour and proceed as usual. Also a tasty and healthy alternative for binding soups and sauces.


hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571 info@hanf-natur.com
hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571 info@hanf-natur.com

Das Bildmaterial und die Inhalte dieser Seite unterliegen unserem Nutzungsrecht sowie z.T. dem unserer Partner.
Alle Preise mit Rücksichtnahme auf Tippfehler unter Vorbehalt. Die Preise verstehen sich als Nettopreise zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer und sind nur Geschäftskunden vorbehalten.
Endkunden: hanf-natur.com · Händler: hanf-grosshandel.de · International: hemp-wholesale.com

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