Organic Hemp Oil

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VEGAN The cold pressed oil is produced from selected food hemp varieties. It exhibits the typical nutty flavour with a pleasant mild taste. It is famous for its high content in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid as well as gammalinolenic acid that are present in a composition unique to hemp oil among all plant oils and best for human nutrition. It is free from cholesterol and supports both cell metabolism and the immune system. It is a must as part of a healthy wholefood diet. Due to its composition it is not suitable for frying.

VEGAN The cold pressed oil is produced from selected food hemp varieties. It exhibits the typical nutty flavour with a pleasant mild taste. It is famous for its high content in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid as well as gammalinolenic acid that are present in a composition unique to hemp oil among all plant oils and best for human nutrition. It is free from cholesterol and supports both cell metabolism and the immune system. It is a must as part of a healthy wholefood diet. Due to its composition it is not suitable for frying.


hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571
hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571

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